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Full of Life

eBook - UNESCO Biosphere Reserves - Model Regions for Sustainable Development

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9783540258155
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 172 S., 6.93 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2005
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Biosphere reserves serve in some ways as "living laboratories" for testing and demonstrating integrated management of land, water and biodiversity. With this publication the national MAB-committee of Germany gives a detailed presentation and description of the Biosphere Reserves of Germany.


Sustainable Development: The Contribution by Biosphere Reserves.- MAB a Programme over the Course of Time.- World Network of Biosphere Reserves.- Biosphere Reserves: Model Regions for the Future.- The Network of Biosphere Reserves in Germany.- New Concepts for the Model Regions.- People and Cultures in Biosphere Reserves.- From Environmental Education to Learning for Sustainability.- Communication and Cooperation.- Objectives and Strategies for Nature Conservation.- Cultural and Natural Landscapes and the New Wilderness.- Cultural Landscapes and Biodiversity.- Conserve Diversity! Practical Landscape Management.- The Importance of Nature Rangers.- Sustainable Economic Development.- Sustainable Land Management.- Sustainable Forestry.- Sustainable Tourism Development.- Environmental Management in Industry.- Research and Monitoring in Biosphere Reserves.- Planning for Biosphere Reserves.- Biosphere Reserves in Development Cooperation.- The Further Development of the German System of Biosphere Reserves Model Regions for Sustainable Development.- Examples from Practice.- From the Rhön lamb to the Rhön Apple Initiative: Marketing Local Produce.- The Wilderness Camp on Falkenstein.- The Biosphere Job Motor a Start-Up Initiative.- The Regional Brand as a Working Instrument for Sustainable Regional Development.- The Framework Concept as Regional Agenda 21.- Tourism with Nature Nature Conservation with People: Visitor Guidance in a Biosphere Reserve.- Sustainable Agriculture on the Hallig Islands.- Environmental Education: A Component of Sustainable Development.- Health and the Biosphere Reserve.- Natural Dynamics at the Heart of Europe.- Management of Migrant Birds.- Traditional Farms and the Spree Forest Landscape.- Cooperation Between the German and Chinese MAB National Committees.- Transboundary Biosphere Reserves: Win-Win Solutions for People and Nature.- Examples from Research.- Research and Monitoring in German Biosphere Reserves: An Overview.- Regional Marketing of Agricultural Produce in German Biosphere Reserves.- Integrated Environmental Monitoring an Ecosystem-Based Approach.- Socio-Economic Monitoring in the Schleswig-Holstein Wadden Sea Region.- Allensbach Survey in the Rhön Biosphere Reserve.- The Schorfheide-Chorin Project: Development of Methods for Integrating Nature Conservation Goals into Agricultural Practice.- Moderation Procedure in the Water Edge Project in the Spree Forest Biosphere Reserve.- Nature Conservation and Organic Farming in a Biosphere Reserve the Brodowin Eco-Village Development and Testing Project (Schorfheide-Chorin BR).- Further Development of the Ecosystem Approach of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Selected Forest Biosphere Reserves.- Biosphere Reserves in Germany: An Overview.- Germany in Key Figures.- UNESCO Biosphere Reserves in Germany.

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