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eBook - Fundamentals and Applications

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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9783527651481
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 200 S., 7.56 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2013
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Adobe DRM


Nanomachines represent one of the most fascinating topics in of nanotechnology. These tiny devices provide diverse opportunities towards a wide range of important applications, ranging from targeted delivery of drug payloads to environmental remediation. This book addresses comprehensively the latest developments and discoveries in the field of nano- and microscale machines. It covers the evolution of nanomachines in general from a historical perspective, the fundamental challenges for motion at the nanoscale, different categories of biological and synthetic nano/microscale motors based on different propulsion mechanisms, ways for controlling the movement directionality and regulated speed, followed by detailed of major areas for which nanomachines has the potential to make a transformational impact. It ends with a futuristic look at nano/microscale machines and into their impact on the society. Key Features: * The only nanomachine introductory textbook currently available. * Written with college graduate level in mind to appeal to a broad interdisciplinary audience. * Covers the fundamental challenges for nanoscale motion. * Covers the latest advances in the design and operaton of a wide range of small-scale machines. * Covers diverse biomedical, environmental and technological applications of nanomachines. * Written in review format with cited articles to cover latest research and developments.


Joseph Wang is Professor in Department of Nanoengineering at the University of California, San Diego. He received his PhD from the Israel Institute of Technology in 1978. He held a Regents Professorship and a Manasse Chair at New Mexico State University and served as the Director of Center for Bioelectronics and Biosensors of the Arizona State University. Joseph Wang has published more than 800 papers and ten books and holds twelve patents. He received two ACS National Awards and three honorary professorships from Spain, Argentina and Slovenia. He became the most cited electrochemist in the world and was listed fourth on the ISI list of "Most Cited Researchers in Chemistry" in the decade 1996-2006. Joseph Wang is the Editor-in-Chief of "Electroanalysis" (Wiley). His scientific interests are concentrated in the areas of nanomachines, bioelectronics, bionanotechnology and electroanalytical chemistry.


PREFACE FUNDAMENTALS - SMALL-SCALE PROPULSION Introduction Nanomachines History Challenges to Nanoscale Propulsion Low Reynolds Number Hydrodynamics MOTION OF NATURAL NANOSWIMMERS Introduction Chemically Powered Motor Proteins Rotary Biomotors Swimming Microorganisms MOLECULAR MACHINES Stimuli-Responsive Rotaxane, Pseudorotaxane, and Catenane Nanomachines Molecular Rotary Motors Light-Driven Molecular Machines based on cis?trans Photoisomerization Nanocars DNA Nanomachines SELF-PROPELLING CHEMICALLY POWERED DEVICES Self-Propelling Catalytic Nanowires Catalytic Tubular Microengines Catalytic Janus Microparticles: Spherical Motors Controlled Motion of Chemically Powered Nano/Microscale Motors Alternative Fuels for Chemically Powered Micro/Nanoscale Motors Collective Behavior: Toward Swarming and Chemotaxis Biocatalytic Propulsion Motion Based on Asymmetric Release of Chemicals Polymerization-Induced Motion EXTERNALLY POWERED NANOMOTORS ? FUEL-FREE NANOSWIMMERS Magnetically Driven Nanomotors Electrically Driven Nanomotors Ultrasound-Actuated Micromotors Light-Driven Micromotors Hybrid Nanomotors APPLICATIONS OF NANO/MICROSCALE MOTORS Cargo Towing: Toward Drug Delivery Biosensing and Target Isolation Active Nanoscale Transport by Synthetic Motors in Microchip Devices Nanomotor-based Surface Patterning and Self-Assembly Use of Micro/Nanoscale Motors for Environmental Monitoring and Remediation CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE PROSPECTS Current Status and Future Opportunities Future Challenges Concluding Remarks INDEX

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