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Food Parcels in International Migration

eBook - Intimate Connections, Anthropology, Change, and Development

124,95 €
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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9783319403731
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 0 S., 2.75 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2017
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book takes food parcels as a vehicle for exploring relationships, intimacy, care, consumption, exchange, and other fundamental anthropological concerns, examining them in relation to wider transnational spaces. As the contributors to this volume argue, food and its related practices offer a window through which to examine the reconciliation of peoples localised intimate experiences with globalising forces. Their analyses contribute to an embodied and sensorial approach to social change by examining migrants and their families experiences of global connectedness through familiar objects and narratives. By bringing in in-depth ethnographic insights from different social and economic contexts, this book widens the understanding of the lived experiences of mobility and goes beyond the divide between origin and destination countries, therefore contributing to new ways of thinking about migration and transnationalism that take into consideration the materiality of global connections and the way such connections are embodied and experienced at the local level.


Diana Mata-Codesal is Researcher in the Humanities Department at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain.Maria Abranches is Lecturer in Social Anthropology and Development at the School of International Development, University of East Anglia, UK.


1. Sending, bringing, consuming and researching food parcels .- 2. Food as a matter of being: experiential continuity in transnational lives .- 3. Thank you for the cured meat, but is it grass-fed? Contested meanings of food parcels in a new nutrition transition .- 4. When objects speak louder than words: food, intimacy and power in the contemporary transnational Filipino household .- 5. A hard look at the balikbayan box: the Philippine diasporas exported hospitality .- 6. Spaghetti with ajvar: an ethnography of migration, gender, learning and change .- 7. West African plants and prayers in the Netherlands: nourishment through visible and invisible substances .- 8. Inkumenda di téra: the informal circulation of Cabo Verdean food products .- 9. From ingredient to dish: the role of supply in the culinary practices of Mexican migrants in the United States.

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