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Bibliographische Informationen
ISBN/EAN: 9781402085987
Sprache: Englisch
Seiten: 322 S., 1.47 MB
Auflage: 1. Auflage 2008
Format: PDF
Digitale Rechteverwaltung: Digitales Wasserzeichen


Science communication, as a multidisciplinary field, has developed remarkably in recent years. It is now a distinct and exceedingly dynamic science that melds theoretical approaches with practical experience. Formerly well-established theoretical models now seem out of step with the social reality of the sciences, and the previously clear-cut delineations and interacting domains between cultural fields have blurred.Communicating Science in Social Contexts examines that shift, which itself depicts a profound recomposition of knowledge fields, activities and dissemination practices, and the value accorded to science and technology.

Communicating Science in Social Contexts is the product of long-term effort that would not have been possible without the research and expertise of the Public Communication of Science and Technology (PCST) Network and the editors. For nearly 20 years, this informal, international network has been organizing events and forums for discussion of the public communication of science.


Part 1: Revisiting models.- 1. Paradigm change for science communication: commercial science needs a critical public.- 2. European trends in science communication.- 3. Words and figures of the public: the misunderstanding in scientific communication.- 4. Representation and deliberation: new perspectives on communication among actors in science and technology innovation.- 5. Medialisation of science as a prerequisite of its legitimisation and political relevance.- 6. On and about the deficit model in an age of free flow.- 7. Towards an analytical framework of science communication models.- Part 2: Crossing broundaries.- 8. Before and after science: science and technology in pop music, 1970 1990.- 9. The more, the earlier, the better: science communication supports science education.- 10. Hollywood knowledge: communication between scientific and entertainment cultures.- 11. Situating science in the social context by cross-sectoral collaboration.- Part 3: Developing strategies.- 12. From science communication to knowledge brokering: the shift from science push to policy pull.- 13. Science advocacy: challenging task, difficult pathways.- 14. The epistemic jumble of sustainable development.- 15. In search of dialogue: staging science communication in consensus conferences.- 16. So wheres the theory? On the relationship between science communication practice and research.- 17. From democratization of knowledge to bridge building between science, technology and society.- 18. Bringing science to the public.- Appendix.- Index.

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